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My name is Taylor. Located in Cincinnati.

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Dear Taylor,

A few days ago I did the unthinkable and scrolled through my old Facebook pictures. It brought back so many memories mainly good and some embarrassing. The main thought I had was, 'I wish I was as fat as I thought I was back then!' Lol

The scrolling also got me to thinking what I would say to my younger self knowing what I know now. I wouldn't change the experiences and lessons that occurred in my life thus far, but it would be nice to let younger Taylor know it all turns out okay. In today's post I wrote a letter to my 15 year old self.

15 Year Old Taylor (Mirror pics were the best!)

Dear Taylor,

You are 15 and currently in your freshmen year of high school. This past year for you has not been so easy as you are trying to get over your first "love." Also you are transitioning into a high school student. I want you to know it does get better, maybe not always easier, but nevertheless better.

It may seem like you will never get over that boy, but I promise you will meet others. Unfortunately those new ones will give you some grief and headaches too, but you'll begin to learn your worth is so much more important. So stop the crying and focus on school! You will treasure these high school days even though it seems to be dragging along at the moment. You won't talk to a lot of these people after high school so soak up all the moments that you can.

Continue exploring new opportunities that come across your path. Don't be scared to just go out there and do it. You were too scared to try out for the basketball team so you became the team manager. You don't know it yet, but that small decision will lead you to your future college major and career. Don't let fear consume you. Go with your gut decision and put that into action.

Spend time with your family. They may annoy you and seem overly controlling, but it is all in your best interest. Stop complaining and go help Dad with his lawn care business. Mowing lawns, shoveling mulch, and blowing leaves seems horrible. However, in a couple years you will give anything to do any of those tasks, if it means getting one more earthly moment with Dad. Also cut Mom some slack because she is busting her butt by putting you through private school. She's making a huge sacrifice that will pay off when you go to college and move into the adult workforce.

All in all have fun. You are young with not a lot of responsibilities. Be serious but not too serious because life's going to throw you some curveballs. You will think you need to know it all to get through those times, but if you just ride the wave you will make it out okay. Oh, and to your answer your question, NO you are not married with kids living this white picket fence life at 25 years old. I know you think 25 sounds old but it is not, you've got a lot of living left and things to do. So, don't rush it, embrace it!

Sincerely with love,

Future Taylor

Wouldn't a time machine be great? How glorious would it be if we could send this type of information to younger self? At last we cannot, but I believe it's at least important to admire how much you've grown since those earlier times in life. Take the advice you'd give to your younger self and apply it to you future self!

My call-to-action for you is to sit down and write letter to your younger self. This post was really an opener for myself on my accomplishments and a good tool for some self-reflection. What are some things you would say to your 15 year old self? Let me know in the comments.


1 Comment

Oct 24, 2018

Great letter!!! If only we knew what we know now.


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