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My name is Taylor. Located in Cincinnati.

This is my journey I want to share with you.

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Embrace "Your" Now

This week I woke up with a sense of peace. A serene feeling that currently all is well within my life. Is my life perfect? Of course not. However, I am finding a new sense of happiness that is almost a bit scary. Have you ever felt that things in your life were going too well? It's a feeling that alarms me because it makes me think something inferior is looming around the corner.

As I contemplated this new sense of tranquility I heard on the radio a woman speaking about 'embracing your now'. There was a sudden light bulb that went off in my head. The contentment that I am experiencing is because I am learning to embrace my now. Today I want to share with you 5 key ways I am Embracing "My" Now and how you can begin too!

1. Mindfulness

I learned about mindfulness in high school and the benefits on practicing how to center your mind. Mindfulness is key on embracing your now because it encompasses how to bring attention to your current state both physically and mentally.

Here's what I do...

1. Sit or lay down

2. Focus in on your breath. Breathe in and out slowly. Begin to count your breaths

3. Un-clench your draw

4. Drop your shoulder

5. Focus on your thoughts and the presence that surrounds you.

6. Continue to breathe slowly and repeat 2 -5 if necessary.

You can definitely Google more in depth steps on mindfulness.Generally I do this method for about 5 - 10 minutes twice a week.

2. Go with the flow

This phrase is so cliche but holds a lot of truth. Allow yourself to adopt acceptance within your life that everything isn't going to go as planned. Life will throw curve balls at you. In order to follow the principles on embracing your now, develop ways to cope with the ups and down in life. Once you develop your coping mechanisms you will lead a more stress-free life.

3. Trust your gut

Listen to that inner voice daily. Your inner voice guides you towards embracing your now because it focuses on the present. What feels right in this current situation? That is a question I often pose if I am stuck on a difficult task in life. If you trust in your gut in a positive manner it should leads you towards the right direction.

4. Eliminate the "what ifs"

As you listen to your inner voice you may hear 'Negative Nancy' chime in. She is not your gut but your inner fears and doubts trying to bring you down. "What Ifs" speak more to what could happen which doesn't effectively help you embrace your now. Think about this, if you spend all your time focusing on the "what ifs" you'll never move forward from your current situation. So turn those "what ifs" into "why nots" Why not take up that new hobby? Why not begin the steps towards your new business today? Why not book your next adventure? Developing a "why not" mentality now will push you further ahead.

5. Stop giving a damn

Am I perfect? Are you perfect? Heck no! Accept yourself and learn to love who you are at this current state. If you can't do that now, how will you in the future? Does this mean settle? Of course not! But abolish self-loathing within yourself because it brings about negativity. Life is too short to be spent hating your current state of mind, body, and health.

If all of these sound a bit intimidating try working on one a time. Keep at it till you begin to feel the sense of fulfillment I am beginning to experience. Keep in mind your now may look different compared to others. Your now is what makes your story and journey unique. I challenge you to begin today. Embrace Your Now!



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