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My name is Taylor. Located in Cincinnati.

This is my journey I want to share with you.

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Stay In Your Lane

First week of blogging complete! The hardest part was definitely starting and mustering up the courage to share this new journey. There was that fear of the unknown along with those annoying 'what if thoughts' that ran through my head. I am glad I overcame those obstacles and look forward to see how much this blog takes off in the future!

This past weekend I attended my college roommate's wedding! It was a beautiful weekend spent in the mountains near Gatlinburg. My boyfriend and I stayed in a cozy cabin with the couple and their close family/friends. It was very an intimate wedding that fit perfectly with the overall feeling and setting of the event.

I have always had a love for weddings. Growing up my favorite show after school was Four Weddings. I was that little girl who would reenact my future dream wedding with all my dolls. So, attending a close friend's wedding got me to thinking about my own self, and those dreams I had for my future big day. To be honest at 25 years old I pictured myself to be happily married with a baby, living my best cookie cutter wife life. But that is not current my situation, though I am in a loving committed relationship, a marriage is not to be happening anytime soon.

I constantly have to remind myself to Stay In My Own Lane. It can certainly be easy to focus on what others appear to have that you do not in your own life. I try to remind myself that I am where I am met to be in life, and it may not be as far as others, but my path has been different from theirs. It has cultivated me into the person I am becoming each day. Am I married? Do I own a house? Am I as far in my career as I want to be? No, but will I get there, yes!

Here's a call to action to anyone struggling with comparisons on feeling like they're not as far in as life as other people appear to be.

1. Look in the mirror and examine yourself. Say out loud, "I am me, and I've made it this far. This is my path, and journey. I will get there!'

2. Buy a cute planner and write down your goals! The first step to achievement is to always write down your thoughts so you can turn them into action.

3. Make a deadline for smaller goals, that will eventually turn into bigger goals/outcomes!

4. Celebrate the small accomplishments! Treat yourself, even if it is small, it matters!

5. Give yourself time. Remember that annoying saying, "Rome wasn't built in a day?" Well it holds truth. It will happen in due time and the ground work that was put in will make it worth the wait at the end.

Those are just some tips and suggestions I try to incorporate into my life. What are some tips you have for dealing with comparisons or even doubts in yourself? Also, share some of your goals in the comments below. You never know, someone reading may be able to help you achieve it!


1 Comment

Sep 27, 2018

I like to make a comparison to where I was six months or a year ago. I always find something that changed, so i write it down on a sticky and put it on my mirror


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